Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Look What Our Cousin Made

Look at Linda's tomato garden. She bought the green planters and made her own version with stuff she already had at home ( the clay pot looking one). The greens ones are the ones "as seen on tv". I am sure that the one she made will work just as well. Great design and also great idea to encourage us to "use it up, wear it out, make do, or do without!" Great lesson in making do, Linda and I bet you even had fun making it, so if you have any other money saving tips for us please pass this way. I believe Linda also makes some other good stuff, so I will post some pictures here as soon as I get some! Hint hint to whoever is listening/reading!


Saturday, June 20, 2009

Our Prayers are Being Answered

Micheal emailed his dad on Wednesday of this week to tell him that he was ok. Then he described what had happened that day. This picture shows the vehicle he was riding in when it ran over an IED, (which is a hidden explosive device). There were no fatalities, but concussions, and lots of bangs and bruises. Michael also hurt his back pretty badly, but has stated that he will recover. This happened while we were sleeping here, but God took care of Michael and continues to watch over him and his group. Keep praying everyday, many times a day for Michael. He is facing things that we will most likely never have to worry about. He is also willing to pay a price for our freedom and comfort and I for one am guilty of forgetting how precious this freedom is and also how costly it is. I believe that Michael was actually sitting directly above where the explosion occurred. Michael, you are our miracle and we are thankful for you and what you do for us each and every day. Please let your group know that the Poland family from Texas is praying for them and that we love them all. Especially you.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Here is the Newest Graduate

Here is our newest graduate. Jeff has graduated from high school and we are so proud. He is one of 60 graduates that received scholarships. That was out of over 700 students!!!! Did I mention we are proud? Mom, Carry, Steve and I were blessed to be able to travel to downtown Houston and meet Wesley, and his mother-in-law , sister and brother -in- law. We were sad that Jeff's grandfather was unable to attend the ceremony due to an unforeseen hospital stay. We are praying that he has a speedy recovery. Anyway, we watched the class of 2009 march in and struggled to identify our graduate. We took turns with the binoculars and then tried to point him out so that everyone in our group could see him. Who were we kidding, we could barely see him with the binoculars much less with the naked eye. You would have thought we were trying to get a look a famous rock star or something. It was as if we had never seen him before and we were so excited to finally spot him. (or some student that looked like him). Actually, from where I was sitting they all looked the same! I think his dad was just relieved that he really was in the line up and would get a chance to hear his name called and walk across the stage. Of course we yelled and screamed like lunatics when his name was called. The arena was so big he probably didn't even hear us! (The people around us did though!!!) We all met up afterward on the street outside and took turns hugging and taking pictures. I was amazed at how many people came up to Jeff and shook his hand. This guy has touched many people during his young life and apparantely made a very positive impact on many. We will wave goodbye to him this fall with sadness and pride as he goes off to fulfill his scholarship to Virginia Tech. So, here is one more of the Poland clan that has made it through high school. We have several more to follow with the youngest one just starting life 2 days ago. So, I guess we should just reserve the last weekend in May and first weekend in June from now on!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

First Fruits

If you look closely you can see my first tomato of the season, in my very own garden! I'm not sure how long before I can pick and eat it, but I am watching it everyday to be sure I pick it just in time. Ethan's garden is actually doing better than mine. He picked his first pepper last night and we shared it at dinner. I don't think he even likes it, but having grown it himself he was brave enough to try. He kept asking me if it was suppose to taste that way and was I sure it was ready? I think he probably prefers his produce in a jar of pickling juice or cooked on top of a pizza. He has peppers and tomatoes and I have cucumbers and tomatoes. We almost have enough stuff for a salad! Mom has tomatoes and squash so before long we should have a great summer meal! I realize that this post is not overly exciting, but alas, this is the big life in the country. Watching things grow and eating. I might go out and take my laundry off the line when I get up enough motivation to get dressed, are 3 days long enough for towels to dry??

This is Lisa, living the county life and loving it!