So last weekend, my young nephew was watching me sew on the sewing machine. After he observed for a few minutes he told me that Nanny sews too, except she uses her hand, not a machine. Now, we all know that Nanny is a great seamstress, however, I know that she hasn't sewn anything in quite a while, so I quizzed him a little bit. "What do you mean, she sews with her hand, did you see her sewing?" "Yes", he replied, "She was making a croissant". I thought for a minute and asked him, "Was it blue?", and he said yes. (Ok, I can't do the quotes things anymore and finish story today). Then I told him, that is not croissant, that is crochet and she is making a blue baby blanket for new baby Kelton. Oh, he said and walked away. So, you say croissant, I say crochet, no big deal, just don't try to serve me crochet with my meal!